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Manuscript Critique



As much as I love writing and reading, one of my other favorite literary pursuits is critiquing manuscripts. Perhaps because revision is my favorite part of writing when I critique, I’m searching for ways to make a story better—a way to make the manuscript the best it can be—and that is a wonderful challenge for me. 


I have been told that I am a strong critiquer probably because I enjoy the process, but also because I generally share LOTS of comments. I don’t want to overwhelm the writer, but I like to include a wide range of notes that can help a writer see their story in a new way. 

My Critiquing Strengths!

  • a focus on strong beginnings

  • word count pruning 

  • overall tightening

  • brainstorming solutions to tricky plot problems

  • “focusing” plot using one-sentence summaries

  • identifying weak verbs

  • providing notes that can point writers in new directions

  • overall clarity

  • ”logic” issues

Critique Content:

Critiques consist of a 1-2 page summary with overall thoughts, strengths, and weaknesses, PLUS line-editing and suggestions within the manuscript using Track Changes. This is where the “meat” of the critique comes through in notes on word choice, dialogue, what’s working and what’s not, places to cut or tighten, and so forth. 


Critique Types: 

Please note that I ONLY critique picture books—both fiction and nonfiction. Fictional pbs up to 800 words. Nonfiction pbs up to 1500 words



$75 per manuscript

$40 for revision of the same manuscript


To Request a Critique:

Please email me HERE with “CRITIQUE REQUEST” in the subject line. Within the email, include your manuscript’s word count and whether you are submitting fiction or nonfiction. 


Please DO NOT send your manuscript until I have replied to your initial request.


Once we have connected, I will share my availability and expected response time. Turnaround times vary, but I can generally return a manuscript within 7-14 days. 


Note:  All manuscripts should be double-spaced in a 12-point font such as Times New Roman or Cambria and saved as a Word document (.doc or .docx).


Published Credits:

For a full listing of my published credits, please click HERE.


"It’s so refreshing to have an author who understands and writes NF to look at this story. I’m so grateful for your help on this…. Now, I can go forward with fresh ideas and a new point-of-view. Thank you so much!” 

~V. B. Schwarz  



“Wow! Thank you SO MUCH for your detailed email and in-depth critique!  And with such a short turn around time- I can't thank you enough! I loved how you edited the manuscript so honestly. Every single comment /edit is super insightful and helpful!”

~C. Kim



“Katy helped me tremendously with two of my manuscripts. She pointed out places my plots needed clarification and gave me ideas of how to solve it. The suggestions she made greatly strengthened my manuscripts and I am happy to report they both went on to be acquired by publishers.”

~T. Luebbe



“Wow, Katy! I am utterly impressed with your notes. I'd had about 10 different editor samples and yours is honestly the most clever and informative. Thank you.”    


© 2013-2024 Katy S. Duffield.  All rights reserved. Illustration credit: Steve Gray, Mike Boldt. Jen Corace.

Site design Donna Farrell

ALIENS GET THE SNIFFLES TOO. Text copyright © 2017 by Katy S. Duffield. Illustrations copyright © 2017 by K.G. Campbell. Reproduced by permission of the publisher, Candlewick Press, Somerville, MA.

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